package manager

The official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.

Supported by Google

Flutter Favorites

Some of the packages that demonstrate the highest levels of quality, selected by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee


Flutter plugin for SQLite, a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, SQL database engine.


Flutter plugin for accessing accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors.


Flutter plugin for accessing the Android AlarmManager service, and running Dart code in the background when alarms fire.


Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.

Most popular packages

Some of the most downloaded packages over the past 60 days


A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable.


A string-based path manipulation library. All of the path operations you know and love, with solid support for Windows, POSIX (Linux and Mac OS X), and the web.


Library for defining parsers for parsing raw command-line arguments into a set of options and values using GNU and POSIX style options.


A flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.Guaranteed to look good on different models


Lint rules are a powerful way to improve the maintainability of a project. Custom Lint allows package authors and developers to easily write custom lint rules.


A service that proxies between the Chrome debug protocol and the Dart VM service protocol.

Top Flutter packages

Some of the top packages that extend Flutter with new features


Customize Flutter's default white native splash screen with background color and splash image. Supports dark mode, full screen, and more.


Provides APIs for debugging and error logging, similar to loggers in other languages, such as the Closure JS Logger and java.util.logging.Logger.


Generic cache manager for flutter. Saves web files on the storages of the device and saves the cache info using sqflite.


Jiffy is a date time dart package for parsing, manipulating, querying and formatting dates and time


Map Launcher is a flutter plugin to find available maps installed on a device and launch them with a marker or show directions.


Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.

Top Dart packages

Some of the top packages for any Dart-based app or program


Code generation for immutable classes that has a simple syntax/API without compromising on the features.


Cross-platform 'dart:io' that adds browser support for HttpClient and some other "dart:io" APIs.


A client library for authenticating with a remote service via OAuth2 on behalf of a user, and making authorized HTTP requests with the user's OAuth2 credentials.


A shelf handler for proxying HTTP requests to another server.


Provides lightweight yet convenient bindings to SQLite by using dart:ffi


A collection of utilities to transform and manipulate streams.

Package of the Week

Package of the Week is a series of quick, animated videos, each of which covers a particular package

feedback (Package of the Week)
firebase_auth (Package of the Week)
home_widget (Package of the Week)
fl_chart (Package of the Week)